Your Guide to Healthy Travel
As the weather warms, it's time to look forward to spring break and some well-deserved time off. Whether you’re hitting the road or catching a flight, taking care of yourself during travel is essential. Here are some simple tips for a healthy and happy spring break.
Pack Smart
Use a backpack or a suitcase with wheels to lighten the load on your back. When you're packing, think about how you arrange your gear. Put the heavier items in a backpack closer to the bottom and towards your body to avoid straining your back.
Practice Seat Exercises
Long hours of sitting can make your body feel stiff and achy. Combat this by doing some simple exercises while sitting. Lift your ankles, move your knees around, and twist your upper body gently. These moves help your joints and muscles stay active, reducing tension in your back and neck.
Use a Neck Pillow
Consider purchasing an ergonomic neck travel pillow to minimize the chances of experiencing neck strain and discomfort, especially when sleeping in a seated position. This specialized pillow is designed to provide support, ensuring more comfortable rest during your travels.
Stay Hydrated
Traveling can deplete your fluids, and being dehydrated can make your muscles feel tight. Bring a reusable water bottle and sip water regularly throughout your journey. Staying hydrated is good for your overall health and keeps your joints flexible.
Try Relaxed Breathing
Take a moment to breathe deeply and calmly during your travels. Deep breaths can help you relax and reduce stress. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It's an easy way to stay calm and feel more at ease. Spring break is your time to relax and enjoy, so make the most of it by caring for yourself.
Check out this infographic for more healthy travel tips, and have a great trip!